I've been reminiscing today about my mother and the mothers of my friends and classmates. I knew so many of them through school or their jobs around town.
My mother worked for years at Plummer's Department Store and Brevard Jewelers. I'm sure many of you saw her around town. She didn't get to come to my school functions during the day because of work but she was a dependable baker of cupcakes - even when I didn't remember until 8PM to tell her I'd volunteered her for two dozen the next day. Tired as she was, she dragged herself to the kitchen and didn't stop until they were baked, frosted, and packed to go. Just one of many things she did to support me.
I'm sure the most important influence in my life was my mother's overwhelming commitment to education. She believed it was the key to my future. Through her diligence and encouragement, I became the first person on either side of my family to ever go to college - and it was 100% due to my mother! One weekend when I decided to quit so I could have more time to chase a certain boy, she didn't crack at all. When Sunday night came, she gave me no choice but to be packed and ready when my ride came to pick me up to go back to Western Carolina. That was the end of any talk about dropping out of college! I don't know if I ever thanked her for making me go back that weekend - I hope she knew how much I appreciate her sending me back - it's made all the difference in my life.
I'd love to hear stories about your mothers - please share them with us.